Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Spam e-mails are considered SEO?

I have received so many spam e-mails as of this moment, until now...for an average of 50 to 100 in my Yahoo e-mail. That's why I have subscribed to hundreds of programs that offers free download of hundreds of digital products that are being auctioned online. I also received many e-mails to promote their HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) and income schemes that will make me possible "rich guy"? I could believe it, but I'm still not yet ready for that because most of them needs payment in order to be enrolled in the program. This is another way of doing SEO? Definitely not, this is what we call e-mail marketing. E-mail messages with links of your site will not let you generate backlinks, but only for promotional purposes and referral credits. It's not SEO what I think, because the receivers can delete and trash the e-mail anytime, and considered spamming around the corner.

My SEO teammates works again!

After a tragedy at the huge tropical storm "Ondoy" in the Luzon area of the Philippines, electricity is backed up again and my affected teammates are back to work once again. All of them are girls, and they are very good in SEO. Three of them are more focused on forum backlinks and social bookmarks, and their reports and backlinks are still on. My three other teammates, who are residing in the Visayas area, including my best friend, having no problem in terms of work because we're not really affected by the huge tropical storm "Ondoy", but only experiencing heavy rains randomly. Forum backlinks are the easiest way to generate more backlinks to our site, and this is what we're doing right now, for our respective sites, and as a team...we always support each other through SEO jobs. They won't let me down.

AdClickMedia: The Adsense Alternative

I have been a member of this site since January, but I'm not active because of no money for advertising. Now since I have advertised my Adsense ads to other site....which guarantees me more visitors and clicks as tested and proven, I can now replace my Adsense ads to AdClickMedia ads which I can create my own ad panel, and to attach my Clickbank product to the ad. There are two types of ads in AdClickMedia, which are interstitial ads and photo text ads. But the most attractive one is the interstitial ads because it drives more traffic than regular photo text ads. Someone has been paid by this site around $70, on a net 15 basis. I test this one out because I want to compare which one is better...is it Adsense or AdClickMedia? It's still doing SEO you know, as it may bring and drive traffic to my site and to the other site I advertised.

$0.04 in 31 ad clicks!

I've checked once again my Google Adsense, and it seems that its not doing well. I have received 31 clicks and I only earn $0.04? How cruel is that anyway. I don't know if the advertisers of the ad I have attached to someone's site which receives 500-700 impressions daily are out of credits already? His site is all about uploading music and video files, and my ads are reflecting to the niche of his website. We'll, at least I've tested his site for a week and it really works for the clicks only, not my earnings. We'll, it's a good experience actually.....and I am planning to change everything after a week of getting total impressions and clicks daily. I have an alternative way to put another ad in his website which will attract more visitors. I do believe that when he received so many impressions in his website, he did the real hard SEO job.

Blog commenting makes you tired?

Are you doing blog comments recently, for a number of blogs? For me, this is one of the difficult and exhausting jobs I've ever known. Most webmasters are usually relying on do-follow blogs, so it's not easy for me because there are only less than 10% chance that you can find a do-follow blog. More than 90% chance are no-follow and dead links because they don't want spammers to just spam their blog and gain backlinks from their site. They would insist that spammers only destroys the image of their topic, likewise their whole blog as well. Last time, I just bought from someone at DigitalPoint on his complete list of do-follow blogs which are auto-approved, most of them are EDU and GOV sites. We can only buy do-follow blogs from the experts, but I think there's only a slight chance that we can see do-follow blogs for free.

A new challenge again for me!

After our oral defense in our thesis hours ago, we will edit all the details that should be corrected by our panel of judges. My colleague, Excelsis, called me on my cellphone that we should double our time to edit the ones who need corrections. It's quite simple, but challenging. All we have to do is to consult all of the panels starting tomorrow morning and to recall what needs to be edited. This will let me limit my SEO job again. Hahaha! The important thing is, its just less than three weeks.....the semester is over. It will be now edited by ourselves and it has to be very unique, especially in grammar, categorization, organizational charts and some sub-topics that should add in the lineup of our project. I can still do SEO job, but for a limited time until the school semester is over.

I'm planning to create my own SEO song!

Since I like Chuck "The SEO Rapper" a lot, I want to create my own SEO rap song or R & B type! I do love SEO and other related topics that he sings like design coding, link building, paid search, etc. Once I graduate in just less than three weeks, I can now continue my full time SEO job, at the same time I want to choreograph my own song.

Believe me, I will make my own lyrics for my upcoming song, "Optimizer". Pretty cool, huh? I don't have any music software yet just to mix up the tunes and beat of my SEO song. First, I shall make this as audio file, and if this one is a big hit, I can create my own video using my MP5 player, but soon I will buy a new video camera and let someone record it for me. I want to entertain SEO fans around the world to see what I can contribute to SEO.

$0.09 in 500+ impressions!

I suck when it comes to Google Adsense earnings, because I advertised my site into someone's site, and there are total of 4 clicks and I only receive a low $0.09 yesterday? How cruel is it anyway. Right now as I checked my Google Adsense earnings, I received 33 page impressions and earned nothing. I don't know why most people here don't like to click Google Ads? Is it because they don't want advertisers to receive millions of visitors? Or they don't like publishers to earn money from Google because they are so jealous about it?

I really don't know what kind of technique does the advertisers and publishers have in common? Content really does bring traffic to their site, but it depends on the niche that most people are looking for right now. How did they increase more page visitors and clicks daily through manual SEO? It takes us more time to do it, but the results will increase only after few months of hardwork.

My SEO teammates are back!

After suffering heavy tropical storm "Ondoy" in the Luzon area, where my SEO teammates are suffering no electricity almost a week, they have finally e-mail me back about their status. But so far, they are still recovering from the storm, and electricity has finally came back to their area. SEO has been very valuable for me, and for them because we don't want to get back down again. We want our sites to increase their SERPS on Google, Yahoo and Bing.

It's glad to have my teammates back, as long as they're updated to me, no problem. It was such a nice thing which I must follow them up for good, cause I'm concern for my teammates. But the tragedy is not over yet. There are still two tropical storms coming in our country, and we have to prepare for everything in order to survive the storm once again. This is one of the worst catastrophies that Philippines has ever experienced.

Welcome back SEO mates!

My oral defense a success!

Thanks to all who have supported and pray for me, me and my group have successfully passed the oral defense. We have four panelists, one from Commerce Department, one from Education Department, one from Tourism department and one is an outsider, a PhD graduate. Me and my colleagues have been terrified in the first place, because these panelists are very tough and good thing, though the support of my friends outside.....we're able to answer some questions being asked. I can't believe that they only asked us few questions, but they are more on suggesting additional things to be included in our report, and also some corrections in our format. We are very successful as of this moment, as we've passed the oral defense.

Now I can continue my SEO for my site starting tomorrow. We are very thankful that through your prayers, we have passed and I have a great chance to graduate next month. After my graduation, it's full time SEO for me......at home.

Thanks guys!

Monday, 28 September 2009

Oral defense tomorrow! Later for SEO!

This is one of the toughest challenge I ever wanna face in my career, the oral defense n our project study. This is one requirement for me in order to graduate next month. We have three panelists, and all of them are professionals. So I set aside my SEO first, because graduation is my first priority, and it's on the line tomorrow! I hope me and my other colleagues will survive this oral defense and to graduate next month! Our project study is all about our resort, which is an existed one. We have the advantage of it, because we've visited the resort and to see what future plans are we going to implement. In the near future, if we have our own website about the resort, I'm doing the SEO thing again! After our oral defense tomorrow....and class on Management Information Systems.....I'm going SEO again!

I'll update here guys if we passed or not. Stay tuned!

The top 20 SEO Tools

Hello guys! I'm gonna show you once again a video from Youtube that talks about the Top 20 SEO tools. This was uploaded way back in 2007, but the information is so useful. Youtube user imt777 uses his own video camera to record his video about the top 20 SEO tools. The comments were astonishing, as all of them are impressed in his video about the top 20 SEO tools. A great tutorial like no other, and this video was already viewed more than 70,000+ visitors and 80+ ratings.

These tools are relying more on keywords and keyphrases, so that you may know what you can put in your content to drive more traffic in different search engines like Yahoo and Google. If these tools are still working until now, I want to try those so that I can increase my SERPS in Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Visit http://www.top20seotools.net for a very low introductory price of $49.95. They also have a 30-day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied.

Chuck "SEO Rapper" raps about Link Building

You want more Chuck "The SEO Rapper"? Check out this cool video again, this time he raps about "LINK BUILDING 101", in an audio-visual room with SEO audience and fans! Actually, he didn't memorize the lyrics, instead he read it in a paper and raps to his SEO fans. Hahaha!

He raps about link building, and it's SEO related! Hahaha! Chuck really makes me feel "YO"! If you wanna find on more Chuck "The SEO Rapper", visit any of these sites:

I have already subscribed to his videos and followed him on Twitter. His videos were about a year ago or two, but SEO still lives on with his life and for his SEO fans! Hahaha! Chuck, you're the man!

Meet the SEO Rapper!

Hey guys! Have you meet SEO rapper? This video of his is so cool, and his song is titled "DESIGN CODING". Check out this video, for all SEO and rap fans out there! Daniel from GSeo informed me about this cool rap video of his, and he mentioned on his lyrics "FIREFOX"! Whoa!

I was truly amazed of what Daniel shared to me on his own site. I want you guys to watch this cool video by SEO Rapper! If I have the chance to nominate him on the MTV Music awards, I would love to! He raps the house as long as he likes SEO.......just like me. He's just like the famous Fat Joe, a legendary fat rapper! Dude, you're the man! Do anything great especially on SEO and music!

Typhoon "Ondoy" delayed my teammate's report

It was a tragic disaster at the Luzon area of the Philippines, where a huge tropical storm named "Ondoy", flooded Metro Manila and other parts near the city. Three of my SEO teammates are affected there, and they cannot do SEO because of no electricity within their area. Typhoon "Ondoy" claimed many lives of Filipinos in the Luzon area, and death toll rises to 100 for now. I feel sorry for my teammates in Luzon who have not accomplish their work on time because of the storm. The important matter is, they're OK, and typhoon "Ondoy" is now gone. But other news says that there are two more tropical storms to come either this Wednesday or Thursday. It was one of the worst experience that Filipinos were about to find out. However for me, I'm lucky because I'm in the Visayas region, and we only experience heavy rains, not floods. I'm still on for my SEO work and I hope my SEO teammates will be back to normal situations again.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Posting blogs on GSeo

I am planning to share my stories on a blog site owned by my friend called GSeo. The forum owner, Daniel, wants me to share some SEO stories and updates were being launched right now. And also, this will contribute to improve my friend's forum, as more and more people are interested to join in this unique forum and blog posting site. Of course, I'm allowed to copy paste the latest SEO news today, and for the days to come, but make sure that I have some sources to carry on, which are the links of every site I have copy pasted. Without source, it could lead to a case of plagiarizing everyone's content, and I don't like to cheat. That's what Daniel told me that when I post on his blogs, I'll make sure that my content is relevant to the category and copy paste is allowed with source links.

Advertising my Adsense to other sites?

Is it possible to advertise my own Google Adsense to other sites? Just like link, ad or banner exchange to other webmasters? It is possible...but needs to pay monthly. I have tested my Google Adsense to be advertised in one uploading site, but it's not enough. I only earned $0.01 for about 500 impressions I received, at least I know that his site that I advertise my Google Ads receive many unique visitors daily. It may increase the chance of getting up to SERPS and generate more money as well. I can do SEO for his site too, but I think I can't because I'm not obliged to do it. I'm only obliged to advertise my Google Adsense to test if my earnings will grow. But if I want to increase my SERPS for my blog, traffic services should be rendered and likewise, SEO as well.

Contextual ads? A new way of doing SEO?

Have you heard about contextual ads? It's just like we see some Google ads that were attached in the blogs and websites. Is this a new way of SEO? Or is it just another way of advertising your business or product? We'll for me, this is gonna be both. Why? You may know that you advertise your own business and site, but don't you know that it may also increase your SERPS? If you attach contextual ads like Google Adsense, Text Link Ads, Clickbank and other affiliate programs, you may have a chance to generate more sales in visitors' clicks to your ads and possibly may purchase the product through your Clickbank or CBProAds text link or banner. Advertising to other sites through making payments to webmasters are just temporary, but if you like to advertise it for yourself and generate more sales in your contextual ads, I shall say it would last long and considered to increase my backlinks and SERPS.

Updating my blog posts once again

In the other blog at Bogart's Online World, I am planning to start all over again. I have to maintain at least 1-2 post daily, in order to keep my blog updated and increase SERPS too. Although this has already been indexed by Google, I can maintain this blog once and for all, in a less time only. I'm about to promote my Clickbank products with the links attached in my keywords or keyphrases. This is another plan to increase my SEO opportunity and to be on the top of SERPS within Google, Yahoo and Bing. My latest post was about Reverse Phone Lookup, and I have attached a Clickbank link there which can lead the customer to the site which I promoted it. On Seoquake, I have noticed that my blog has "n/a" on Google PR, and with zero inbound and outbound links. It's time to get back everything I have.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

My SEO articles are finally sold!

Finally, after a long wait my SEO articles have finally been sold to a great buyer. I have been waiting for this since I need extra money to start my advertising career. I'm usually try to advertise my Google Adsense ads to other sites by just paying a compensation monthly. Soon, I will start another blog which focuses on digital products on Clickbank. There's a strategy which I will use for my new blog. I'm gonna launch it soon and do some real SEO out there, along with advertising. I'm not choosing WordPress as my blog because it does not allow me to advertise my links, as it against the TOS of WordPress. I have no other choice but to stick with Blogger. Anyway, at least my SEO articles were now gone and sold!


Friday, 25 September 2009

SEO articles are still alive!

Just as I thought, the SEO articles are not yet sold because both of the bidders cancelled their order. I don't know why? The reason is that one of them wants a huge pack of SEO articles, while the other one is still not responding to me. The offer will close within 24 hours from now and time is already running out! These SEO articles of mine are unique, handwritten and 100% CS Passed proven. I just did this for myself through my imaginary thoughts. I hope within 24 hours, there's still one buyer out there who is interested to buy all of my SEO articles for just $13.00. I accept Paypal for payments and I'm still waiting for a customer to make his order to my SEO articles.

Stay tuned...if I got paid!

My Twitter articles finally been sold!

After hours of waiting, a customer finally inquired to me on DigitalPoint that he's interested to buy all of my Twitter articles. He paid me $13.00 for all of the articles and I quickly sent him the file. After he received the articles I've made, no questions asked. iTrader is already given to me, and I do the same with him. My article works have grown once again. Two months ago, I already quitted on making articles which are about travel and health because until now, no one is interested about my articles. I just focused on link building and SEO jobs from various clients of course, especially blogging jobs. When I tried making articles again, like SEO, Twitter and Making Money articles, all of my proposals have customers who want to reserve for them by saying "Sold - PM me details". Article marketing has growing through the years, and doing SEO is the right thing for their articles.

Press release submissions are still on!

After my press release on Free-Press-Releases.com has been published, I have to continue submit my press release to other PR directories. I want my SERPS to increase and I need them to improve my traffic. It's all about a dating site called Scanna which is all about Russian dating where men all around the world can find the perfect match of the lifetime, because many Russian women are very beautiful and sexy. I am doing SEO on this, because I want to increase its popularity, traffic and revenue. I have done so many things like web directory submissions, forum backlinks, social bookmarks, article directories, blog directories, social media, one-way permanent relevant links, and most especially, press release directories. News updates are gonna attract more people depending on their interest, and it's very useful for me to do SEO like this.

Spending on Google Adwords?

My thoughts on applying and spending on Google Adwords could be a great thing. However, comparing on manual SEO which is free at no cost of money but time only, advertising is a good option but will coast you huge money. Advertising and gaining credits on traffic exchanges can also help my site going up to the SERPS, but this does not guarantee me unique targeted visitors. But through Google Adwords, no matter what we spent for it, we may earn huge traffic and generating visitors as well. Potential sales may be also implemented if we have Clickbank or other CPA ads like T3Leads. I am not ready yet to spend on Google Adwords, because I have not enough money to spend for it. For now, I'm doing the real SEO manually but cost me too much time, but results are always granted.

$2,500 a day on Clickbank? Is that possible?

Hello guys! I saw this thread on DigitalPoint forums that if t's possible to make $2,500 a day on Clickbank, and what the hell his secret would be? It's a huge amount like no other and if we want to know about their opinions, here's the link below:


A member also mentioned that on the other forum, a man made $4,000+ on Clickbank daily through spending a huge amount $2,000 on Google Adwords daily. It's the secret that we rely on Google Adwords just to make a huge profit? For me, it's really possible because it may pour your money into your account as soon as possible, and to receive huge checks twice monthly. I'm so interested about it. He's using SEO for his Google Adwords that he spent so much.

Promoting my site with ClickBank ads

Exactly how can I promote my site with Clickbank ads? It's simple. SEO is the main course here, because the more you generate traffic, the more your sales will increase. It depends on what niche of your blog has been created, your ads should be relevant to your blog. We must choose the top 10 products that are listed in the category and by using hoplinks on each digital product, it directs to the sales and order page when the visitor clicks the ad on your site. At Clickbank, if you sign as a promoter, you will gain 75% of the price of the product was sold, and 25% goes to the one who is selling it, while I only promote the product somewhere. Google Adwords were also expensive but very much worth for everyone who wats to ear much profit on their Clickbank sales. If we have no money, then we do some real SEO out here.

Newbie on Clickbank

Hours ago, I signed up on a Pay-Per-Sale program called Clickbank. It is said to be the largest database on digital products like e-books. I have been so interested about Clickbank because it was doing great services to webmasters for 10 years now. It's still going strong and many of them are successful. But how are they so successful with it? Are they investing something in order to make their Clickbank sales successful? I am very interested to it and I wanna learn how Clickbank is really used for my website. Perhaps one strategy for that is to do some real SEO for your site like forum backlinks, social bookmarks, social media, ezine articles and many more. Traffic exchange could be an option, but not necessary. Better do some real SEO if we want to generate more sales on Clickbank.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

LimeExchange always updates latest projects

Since I subscribed as a member of LimeExchange, I have the right to receive the latest projects to be e-mailed by massive type which members can automatically receive e-mails from LimeExchange. I have subscribed to link building/SEO jobs which I'm always updated about the latest projects. I was so impressed about it, but sad to say that bidding is still always the main part of getting hired and acquired by clients on LimeExchange. This freelance outsourcing site is professionally designed and organized by one person, who is dedicated in terms of SEO and freelance job opportunities. I am looking forward to it, and still he continues to give us new project updates so on and so forth.

Time to give up on SEO?

If you feel that you have no more chance that your site will go up and backlinks are slowly decreasing, would you give up? For all of your hard effort in doing SEO for your own site, and see no good results, quitting is a good option? For me, quitters are losers and they will be called as "dumb" classed people. They will lose everything if they just quit and giving up on doing SEO for their own site. The people may think that giving up your site and popularity will lead them to bad feedbacks regarding on quitting your job on SEO. As for me, I always fight till the end. If my site really makes money through Google Adsense and starting to lose the number of unique visitors daily, we will still continue on and on forever.

Selling Twitter articles

While I'm waiting for my SEO articles to be sold, another set of articles will be auctioned today at DigitalPoint forums, which are Twitter articles. I have been a Twitter user for months now and I'm always tweeting around the corner. I know how Twitter works, and I know eaxctly what to write about Twitter. I am selling 5 articles related to Twitter, all are 400+ words worth $13 for all, not each. It's all about quick money, and I don't want to delay this up. I also limited this offer for only 72 hours because I need quick money for my articles. I hope this one will be sold out, and SEO articles I hope too will be sold.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

20 review copies for manual web submissions?

Just check out this thread guys, I saw this at DigitalPoint forums that this guy actually offer 20 review copies for manual directory submissions! That's really awesome.

There's one thing why he likes to offer this to us, because his iTrader is zero and his rank on DigitalPoint is Grunt. Manual web submissions are one of the easiest SEO services I ever imagined, along with my teammates too. These review copies are not free, but only discounted for 20 lucky DP members who want to avail his service once and for all. His packages are really awesome, and I have the potential of interest, but I will wait for the honest reviews first. I hope this guy knows what he's doing.

Breaking news! A quick buyer competes in my SEO articles!

Things are really heating up for me now. A new and quick buyer sent me a message through DigitalPoint and he's competing with the first buyer who is unlucky, because he's offline. Now I'm waiting for the quick buyer to pay me a total of $13.00 in my Paypal account for my SEO articles. Woohoo! If he truly paid me, then I'll inform the first buyer that the articles are already sold to the quick buyer. It's a first-come, first-serve basis, but since I need quick money, I deal directly to the quick buyer. I have no choice but to accept his deal. Hahaha! I love someone who competed and bid themselves just to get my unique articles. I am so impressed of myself, looks like my article habits are going strong again!

Stay tuned!

Expensive virtual assistants

In DigitalPoint forums, I saw some threads which they offer their services as virtual assistants. Virtual assistants are the ones who can maintain your site, forum or blog's traffic and popularity. This is another unique SEO position I've ever seen. They will cost you in a monthly basis only, just to keep your site on it's proper ranking place. There are many expensive virtual assistants at DigitalPoint, and they are ranged from $200 to $400 monthly for their lots of services like Angela and Paul's method, link building, advertising, promotion and so much more. In the Philippines, I know one virtual assistant who can do the same services for only $75 monthly. But why is that it needs to be expensive? Is it because of their expanded services? I think so, but to make sure that they always send reports to you through e-mail.

A new SEO client wants to hire me

In the previous post I made, I have to sell my fresh and unique SEO articles to an exclusive buyer. In a few minutes, another one sent me a personal message regarding his SEO offer to me. He wants me to write 10 packs of niche articles in a long term basis. It's still SEO service, because he wants me to add backlinks within his keywords attached within the content. He wants a bulk discount price, as I set my amount to $3 per 400+ words. Every pack has one niche. It's either health, travel, SEO, making money, self-improvement, finance which I must do. This is a quick money basis for me, and I just need money to buy a brand new laptop, since I only use desktop. He has yet to give me the full details of the work, and I'm waiting for it.


A customer wants to purchase my SEO articles

After putting my new thread about selling my SEO articles at DigitalPoint forums, hours later a customer is interested to purchase all of them, for just $13.00. I recently have five fresh and unique handwritten articles about SEO, and I made this for myself. I have a decent idea about SEO and I have the advantage to bring a good quality content for the lucky buyer. I already sent him my Paypal details and awaiting for his payment. My articles have already checked at CopyScape.com, and it's 100% no duplicates existed in my articles. I am so excited about getting paid again by just selling articles at DigitalPoint forums, and I'm sure he's gonna pay tomorrow and I'll send him the articles right away through his e-mail.

Stay tuned!

Playing mind games on SEO

If we are about to attempt something which we're to outsmart the webmaster, you are no smart than ever. The webmaster may detect something suspicious when you are spamming or put some links that are not relevant to his site just for advertising it. In SEO services, we should be serious of our services rendered to them. It's all about patience and honesty, not doing bad things about our client. Playing with it is not really gonna worth for us especially to just trick the webmasters out for just spamming around the corner. We should be honest in doing our services for now, because it's not a good way just to assume that you are just so easy on your work. Honesty is the best policy.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Selling do-follow forum list are legal?

I saw a thread at DigitalPoint forums that one person is selling a list of 300+ do-follow forums + 300 do-follow blogs at a special price of $2.00 only? Is it legal? I really don't know if the forums he sell are very unique and was never seen easily in the search engine results. Could he made up his mind that selling do-follow forums which are easy to be searched through combination of keywords are legitimate? Some webmasters might need this for their link building and SEO strategies that could increase their backlinks thoroughly. But we have doubts in trusting this person because he could give us a fake one, or could be a legitimate one. Let's hope for the best and transactions will be much riskier.

My press release content has finally published!

After a day or less of waiting for my press release to be published at Free-Press-Release.com, it was finally published and here's the link:

This was the first time I have published this article, but I just borrowed my friend's account just to test the publishing way, as you may know that the username is Ronna, and I'm a man, I just borrowed it. Soon, I'll create my own account in Free-Press-Release.com and other press release directories. I was so happy about it, however I cannot attach HTML or clickable link there unless I'm a premium member and it needs me to pay for that. The important is, the site I've mentioned was appeared within the content. It's still part of the SEO project I'm working on right now.

Once again, congratulations to me for my press release being published. Woohoo!

I'm selling unique SEO articles

At DigitalPoint forums, aside from the SEO e-book I want to sell for as low as $5.00, I also sell fresh handwritten, unique and 100% Copyscape passed articles about SEO. I have done this so hard last night just to try if how many DigitalPoint members are interested in the SEO field, especially SEO content or articles. It has about 400+ words and since there are five of them, I have a special price of only $13.00 for all of them. As usual, I only accept Paypal. These articles somehow is only exclusive for one buyer with full rights of it, and gain so much profit for just writing articles like SEO. If I'm paid by the buyer, he or she has the right to edit it on his or her way and publish those on article directories like Ezine. I hope I have a customer soon......

Selling my SEO e-book at DigitalPoint forums

I am planning to sell my e-book at DigitalPoint forums, which I already auctioned it. I sell this e-book (not to be revealed) for just $5.00 since I want quick money to my Paypal. This is not SEO BluePrint, but this is just a different SEO e-book like no other which I have access to purchase it in a low price. I have Master Resell Rights and Private Label Rights to this awesome e-book, because this might work for me and for those who wanna purchase the e-book I posted at DigitalPoint forums. I offer a couple of review copies for the first two persons above 20 iTrader only, which in return they will post their honest reviews for sure, and it would help me increase my sales in DigitalPoint forums. I set to end this offer after 14 days starting now. SEO e-books are really worth for me.

A client looking for a Filipino SEO worker

At DigitalPoint forums, I have received a private message from a new member named tusharm, which I saw his status as "Peon" and only got 1 post. He immediately PM me if I ever know some Filipino SEO workers existed right now, and I think I have one. I replied to tusharm that I do have a friend who is offering SEO services, and a Filipino too. I'm still waiting for his reply and to confirm if he needs it. I also ask him that if my SEO worker I referred is hired, what is it for me? He just made me a SEO broker for myself and I must expect some commissions from him. With or without pay, it doesn't matter. As long as my friend have a long term SEO job, it's fine with me, as a little help.

Review articles better than regular ones?

I don't know why review articles are much better than the regular ones? Is it that they have better chances to make the backlink last longer than the regular one? Or is it the content and niche keyword much more effective than a regular one? We'll for me, it doesn't matter. It's still part of the SEO strategy which we can post backlinks within the post or after the post. The only problem is, your link must be relevant to the topic. Like for example, if you review a Blackberry application, the link must lead to the website where the Blackberry application you wanna review really exists, But for the regular article, it is too difficult to post your link because it has less than 50% to be called relevant. Reviews are much more effective than regular as I evaluated.

A little problem on GSeo.net

Right now, I'm getting started and pumped up to post on GSeo, created by my dear friend Daniel. But there's a little problem regarding the forum. I cannot make a reply there. There's an internal MySQL error that prevents me from posting a reply, but the good news is, I can post threads or topics. Another problem for me is I wanna post a blog, but still MySQL has a problem to prevent me from posting a blog. The last problem I wanna share is that Daniel didn't implement the "Add as Friend" menu in order for me to add as many friends as I want, instead the menu shows "Send Private Message", "Add to favorites" and "Block user". I hope Daniel will fix this little problem soon.

Inviting anyone to post blogs in Blogger

If you think there's someone who can contribute to your blog related to its niche, you can invite them through e-mail them with invitational requests to let you write in my blog. This is another part of the SEO plan which I have to, and I have to do it. It may keep my blog updated once and for all, to maintain it's PR on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Alexa. It will also increase inbound and outbound links as well. We have to make sure that our blog is set to do-follow, so that backlinks may get live on SERPS and it's worth for me and for the poster, too. Whether you get paid or not for blogging, it's still an opportunity that letting someone to post on my blog to express things in common.

Press release do bring traffic to your site

Aside from the article I've submitted at Ezine, I also submitted a press release content in a press release site (yet to be revealed). It's about 500+ words because press releases are just news type articles, I can submit them to multiple press release directories and there are hundreds of them. I'm sure and confident that my press release will be approved within one week or less, just like Ezine. Press releases are good in traffic because with the backlink of course, your site is relevant to the news article or the press release itself. Some people said that press releases are realy worthy and makes your backlink last longer than any other methods. This is the first time I'm doing this, and still part of my SEO plan.

My article finally submitted to Ezine!

For the first time, I have submitted my article to Ezine along with the backlink of course. It was still on pending status, but I'm confident that my article will be approved for publication w/in a week or less. This is another way of doing SEO services because one article with backlink can be submitted to multiple article directories, as long as your article was not published in your own website or blog. In DigitalPoint forums, many of the members are posting their article submission services. It is also possible that when we submit those, it needs to be rewritten or be spunned, but according to many, one article is enough as long as it is not ye existed in your site or blog. That's one way of increase another backlink of your site through the means of SEO.

DigitalPoint has finally back to normal!

After two days of suffering difficulties to login and browse some of the newest and latest job opportunities in DigitalPoint due to database error, now DigitalPoint forums is back to normal as it is. Now I can send messages to my clients whom I worked today about the latest updates of the project I'm working. I don't wanna disappoint my clients as I always update them and submit the report on time. Due to these breakdowns, I feel so frustrated, but the way I'm banned on DigitalPoint was much worse than I thought. I thought this was the end and the hacker has accessed the forum, but I was wrong. Good thing the admin fixed the forum and I'm happy for it.

Three forums owned by my friend

As I was talking about Daniel's business, he has three forums owned by him once and for all. The first one is the travel forum called Exploroo, which I first posted all about travel related forums, blogs, articles and videos. The second one is the SEO forums called GSeo, which talks about SEO and link building or other related to it which I can post on forums, blogs, articles and videos too. And finally, the third one is the Wii forum, which is Nintendo Wii (a gaming console), that talks about Wii games, platforms, equipments, reviews, etc. He's a great guy like no other, and I wish I wanna be like him, too. Creating my own SEO forum could be a great idea if that happens.

I'm so excited about GSeo forum

I have already started posting on GSeo forums by introducing myself to the forum, and my friend and owner of the forum, Daniel was so impressed. Meaning I continue to post in the forums as many as I want, and also I can copy paste the SEO news I want with the link source below the post, so that I will not be suspected as a duplicate content. I will be also different tips about SEO and link building, as well as search engine marketing, article marketing and niche marketing as well. SEO is the main purpose here, so I have the advantage to post quality content here for my friend's forum. His template and script is just like Exploroo's and it's so unique but signatures are not allowed. Hahaha!

A new unique SEO forum

I was being invited by my long time friend, Daniel from Exploroo to post in his SEO forum and blog. I posted before on Exploroo for a few months until I had it, I really can't do travel posts because I'm tired of it. Exploroo focuses on travel while this site, GSeo.net focuses more on SEO and other related to it, as I'm much very experience to share something I have, just like this blog. I am very happy that Daniel launched another forum which is my favorite niche of all time. But he truly understand my situation, and now it's time to move on to my favorite niche, which is SEO. I am so excited about his forum to share everything I want.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Surf Exchange? A brand new SEO thing?

I have found this ad on Adz-2-Cash, and as a member, I can read the ads and earn points and a little incentive, too. It redirects me to another site called Cash Solos. It is another list building site, which considered as part of my SEO strategy which is a revenue sharing site like Google Adsense, Clickbank, etc. It has a new feature called "Surf Exchange". But what does it mean? Is it another scheme like traffic exchange and autosurfs? I think this is very unique for me, because Surf Exchange is one SEO scheme that we will surf random sites over and over again, as we include our site URL too. Once again, a backlink is generated. It also have a money pool program which weekly profits will be shared to the members, as the site gains 25% of the profits every week. A cool SEO site like no other, list building really rocks me up!

List building is a great help too!

List building is one of the things that help increase our SERPS in Google, Yahoo and Bing. For me, it's considered a SEO strategy as you place text or banner ads, like advertising, it is considered trafficking and building backlinks once again. As we may know, in list building, advertisements do not last long as we pay for traffic and maintaining our UV's daily. Like for example, Adz-2-Cash, it's not only a free list building site, but also generating money or incentive as well through posting and viewing solo ads or banner ads through point conversion. There are lots of list building sites existing right now and it's very legitimate like no other. Once the ad is submitted to a list building site, all members of the list building site will be notified through e-mail and program. How cool is that!

Halfway to Steve's SEO work achieved!

Right now, I have a client name Steve from DigitalPoint which assigned me to do 200 backlinks in forums again. I have worked with him previously on his old 200 backlinks project and he saw that his SERPS has gain more improvement, and he decides to hire me again for another 200 backlinks worth $20. He paid me through Paypal and I have started this project yesterday. Right now, I have 100 backlinks and 100 more to go. This was indeed a fast project like no other, and my forums are quite stable to increase more backlinks in your site. I love this job because money works for me and it's so easy.

The best SEO e-book ever?

Did you know what e-book's content made them better? Especially in terms of SEO? We'll, I have found this great e-book which I checked on what's stored for us, and what makes this SEO e-book so unique and special for us. In the internet surveys, this e-book by Brad Callen called "The SEO Mindset" was proclaimed to be the best SEO e-book ever? Why?

He actually gave some good advice for the customers and readers through his sales page, and it was very effective after all. It tells about the thoughts of the search engines for your site and to produce web pages that the search engines liked the most out of it, most especially to earn more money by providing our own services to webmasters. How cool was this author Brad Callen! I'm looking forward to it.

Google Adsense exposed e-book

I have found another e-book with Master Resell Rights called "Adsense Revenue Exposed". This is one e-book that actually tell you the secrets to make money online using Google Adsense. SEO is also involved in this awesome e-book which is one of the secrets that money makers and webmasters actually generate more traffic and revenue through this e-book. It's one secret that you make thousands of dollars every month you receive a check from Google Adsense. There are so many SEO strategies here which you may learn what you have never seen before. Good thing I have bought this one and to share this to everyone!

High PR relevant links are so valuable

I am really confused of what relevant links is all about. I can say that relevant links are hard to find, because most webmaster want to buy those links at a higher price. I have hard time to find those relevant links because it's unique like no other. Relevant links must be on a do-follow status and the website must have great traffic. High PR relevant links are valuable because through one-way permanent backlinks to various relevant links will get you more traffic and revenue from your site. It's a great SEO service like no other and it will happen once and for all. Relevant links are the key to your link's success.

Changes made in my SEO work

I have made a lot of changes in my SEO work, since I found out some difficulties regarding the articles and blogs. I have to do something which I can still cope up the $200 plan. The expected output should be 100 Press Release submissions + 1 Press release, 300 article directory submissions + 1 article writing, and 300 blog directories + 1 Blog posts. I have changed it to:

100 Press release submissions + 1 Press release writing, 100 article directory submissions + 1 original article and 99 rewrite/spinning, 100 blog directory submissions + 1 blog posting and finally 300 forum backlinks.

My team is now working this out for good, as my strategy really works out!

Database error once again on DigitalPoint

Since yesterday, there were some technical difficulties being experienced in DigitalPoint right now. They have a database error which sometimes the page cannot be loaded, and sometimes it may load but too delayed. I don't know what's going on at DigitalPoint. I think something's carshing towards their database and needs to fix it. I have hard time to post private messages to other clients, but seems not to be good enough for today. This incident happened yesterday, and until now we suffered bad experienced here. I wish luck for the DigitalPoint forums, as I want them to go back in normal mode.

Automated tools for social bookmarks

Have you tried to search automated tools for social bookmarks. I think there's one site that actually answers up for me, and it's called OnlyWire. It is a database where it will really work in your web browser or website you wanna choose. This tool allows you to monitor your social bookmark sites about your site's status and to let you kow if your SERPS have increased. The main function of OnlyWire is to auto-syndicate our content to millions of readers with just one click only. It is a great automated tool like no other and it's very useful to see what's stored for our site to have chances in getting to the top of SERPS.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

A huge list of social bookmarks from a Pinoy

I have found this site, which came from a Pinoy (Philippines) and I am shocked of seeing these huge list of social bookmarks listed as he posted on September 13th 2009. I can't believe it because I'm actually looking for a huge legitimate lists of social bookmarks, ad some of the searces in Google I've been through were about 70% are dead links and not all of them are social bookmarks, instead they have social media like Facebook and Twitter and blog directories like BloggaPedia and Technorati. Finally, I've found what I'm looking for. I can finally build more backlinks for my SEO strategy. Thanks!


Steps on company link building - Part 4

Now here comes the final part of our strategy, and this is very important we should aware of:

*Be aware of such no-follow links - no-follow codes are being implemented as they instruct the Google not to spider them due to the number of spammers around. If the site is do-follow, meaning it has a no-follow attribute and to allow Google to spider them. Crawling is different from spider you know? This concept is also known as indirect link building because when you are in a no-follow site, meaning your SEO efforts are useless, but with do-follow and your SEO is really worth for your time.

I hope you have learned something about these steps on company link building. I have got this from other sites but I only revised it for myself so that I wanna improve something which the content is unique. Take note that these steps might actually help you in terms of SEO.


Steps on company link building - Part 3

Now we are finished on Step 3, and let's proceed to the fourth step which known to be:

*Determination of the Link Residing - to produce best results of your links, you must avoid placing links on the footer area of the relevant site you are intended to because Google devalued it, and to avoid placing links on "sponsored" or advertisers section, because it might be useless when you only want to advertise your link there. The best thing is you must put it in a page where the relevant site is being cached by Google and to always monitor the number of internal and external links upon it. Thematically relevant content should be the best part, like an article or blog.

We're not yet done, as the last step will be revealed in the next post! Stay tuned!

Steps on company link building - Part 2

Now let's continue with the other part, as we already applied the first and second step, here is the third one:

*Identify Relevant Linking Sources - it says when the site is more relevant and authoritative, the more consideration is given to your link and subsequent keyword in your anchor text. Three questions might need to be asked for yourself:

1. Is the link of my website being natural or belong here?
2. Is the site you have searched relevant?
3. Are there any benefits to my potential customers?
4. Onsite attributes of the linking sites must be looked upon.

Stay tuned for another continuation!

Steps on company link building - Part 1

As SEO is growing faster than ever, the online marketplace is growing forward to its greater heights and link building services are the most common to this strategy, so here are the steps:

*Keyword Targeting - anchor text and link must be related in order for the targeted niche to be in effect. If you are targeting baby name type keywords, that will be in common by just taking a look in the Google Trends today.
*Develop Link Building Strategy - you can do that by means of directory submissions, forum backlinks, social bookmarks, article submissions, optimized press releases, social media, niche blogs, niche classified ads, etc.

Stay tuned for the continuation!

Talkgold forum is so attractive

TalkGold forum is one of the most appreciating forums I've ever know. It has been online for years and it's still going strong. This do-follow forum is specifically talks about making money online and program discussions like HYIPs, autosurfs, Get Paid To programs, payment processors, MLM, matrix, money cyclers and scam sites. Sometimes we can talk SEO there because there's a section called "Making Money With A Website", which we need some SEO skills to increase traffic and revenue from our ads like Google and Clickbank. There are so many opportunities here at TalkGold forum, especially me.

Twitter really heats up!

I have been a Twitter for months now and it's very addictive all along. There are so many people who are using Twitter right now, especially celebrities and NBA players. It is considered as a social media, social network and social bookmark as well, and I can't believe it that they are totally 3 in 1 function. I already have a total of 318 followers, 385 following and 59 tweets. I am enjoying what I'm doing on Twitter as I always share something that I must know which is only one question "What are you doing?". I also put my blog there for them to see my site, as part of my SEO strategy.

Twitter really heats up guys! Totally cool!

Getting to top on SERPs

My wish in my own site is to get in top of the SERPs in the next one or two years. I have planned to create my own site which is for our boutique and gift shoppe store in a mall, and I'm planning to expand this globally through creating a website along with the domain name I choose for our own store. I will be implementing an online payment system four our products plus the shipping fees. I also plan that through SEO strategies like link building, relevant links and other related to that, and it's my goal to put my site into the top ten results depending on the keywords I have stored for my own website.

Crawling my site to Google

By using Google Webmaster, it is one source that our site must be crawled to Google index. Why is it so important? So that your site will be included in the search results anytime. It may take you weeks to see your site indexed, unless it's Blogger, it will automatically index because it's under Google. This is one very important step when you are creating a site on your own and you always have to do it everytime you create a site like no other. Without it, your SEO are useless and the efforts are not gonna effect, so it's very important to index your site and be crawled by Google.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

My previous client comes back!

My previous client, Steve was really unexpected that he sent me an e-mail to order 200 forum backlinks again for $20. He was interested to render my services again because it shows that his site improved his SERPs in Google. It shows that he's almost at the top 10 of Google search results about the long-time MLM program, Global Domains International. I was paid through Paypal, and I know exactly what to do. I used the same forums which I have stored and stabilized his links for a long time. As long as the backlinks increased, his chances of getting to the top might gonna work, and I am happy for it.

Free SEO BluePrint E-book

Right now I'm working with the web directories submissions. There's one or two web directories I think that since I submitted my site to them, they have given me the link to a free e-book called SEO BluePrint. Since I like SEO a lot, I have no choice but to subscribe to get their e-book free. The confirmation e-mail was also sent to me with the download link. It was in PDF file, which I can read it through Adobe Reader. When I saw the title first, I was really attracted because it shows how professional the author was. I have yet to read this e-book and when I do, I can share this step by step through my own words.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Blogging about SEO

If you were about to start your own blog about SEO, what were you thinking? Are you saying that you have already learned what SEO is all about, or you just blogging without having knowledge about SEO? Since SEO is one of the keywords that Google Trends has updated recently, I think SEO blogs are worth, but you must be aware of what combination of SEO keywords you must do. I have downloaded free list of 6,000 Top Adsense keywords which will help me generate earnings to my blog, and SEO is included there in the list and I have no regret to start my own SEO blog. What matters is, you feel something inside that the “heart and soul” of SEO lies within you, and if that is the case, SEO will definitely be your career. It is really worthy to start your own SEO blog, and it should be attractive base on content, template, widgets, domain name and popularity.

What’s different about BuyBlogReviews?

In my previous post about the PayPerPost blogging opportunities, here’s another website that has more than what I expected, and it’s called BuyBlogReviews. I have been so attracted about this because it is much easier to bid because they have some categories which are fit to my blog, and all I need to do is to write it in my own blog about the instructions of my client. Good news is, they pay by Paypal but only once a month. Once I am paid, it will be directed to my BuyBlogReviews account. In terms of SEO, it’s just the same when you do the blogging opportunity, they always place the anchor URL and text in their marketplace, as well as the category and PR of your blog. Now I know why they need high PR is because of great backlink return to them, and SEO is the first thing we ever do.

Doing SEO on PayPerPost opportunities

Do you know what PayPerPost is all about? It is a database where you can find blogging opportunities which they need more SEO on their niche of interest. It means if you have a blog which is over 3 months old, and the offer has just fit in your blog, you may bid with the price you want over and over again. Anchor text and URL shows that you are doing another SEO job, but this time in a blogging opportunity database. I have been a member here since January, but since I’m a newbie, I don’t know what kind of bidding and process is all about. Until now, I have yet to be paid by the different opportunities. It’s another way of doing SEO and building backlinks as well.

SEO opportunities in LimeExchange

I have been a member in LimeExchange for months now, much better than ODesk. Because it doesn’t need any verification to be a verified member and it’s so much easy to find jobs based on my interests. But there’s a catch. There are three types of members which are Basic Plan, Individual Plan and Pro Plan. We may define the three of them now:

Basic Plan – it is a plan which is free of cost, but only limited to 3 bids daily, 3 friend requests and unlimited skill tests.

Individual Plan – it is a plan which cost around $9.99 a month, and the bids increase to 10 daily, with 5 featured bid projects, 10 friend requests, unlimited skill tests and so much more.

Pro Plan – it is the expensive of the three, which cost around $14.99 a month, and you can bid as many as you can, and it’s unlimited. It also has 10 featured bid projects, unlimited friend requests, free Payoneer card, unlimited skill tests and many more.

There are so many opportunities here in LimeExchange, but the weakness is you need to pay monthly to them, especially when it comes to SEO opportunities.

GetAFreelancer’s SEO work bidding process

I have been a member of GetAFreelancer for months now, and I have not been inquiring about their latest jobs daily in content, SEO services and blogging. They are paying by Paypal actually, but all of the earnings were in the account bank first before withdrawing them to your real Paypal account. They have a huge bid going on for a minimum of $30 to $250 budget, and we are just bidding around the client on who’s gonna win the prize. Applicants like me are fighting for it that we post that we can finish as fast as possible, but we can also PM the client so that it may hire us personally. There are lots of SEO works there so I think I could have more opportunities there if my bidding amount and turnaround is right and could outsmart other competitors.

My problem on ODesk

I was so frustrated on how many times I took test on ODesk just to be a verified member, but I always fail and I’m all the way below the score, and no one will hire me if I’m not a verified member. ODesk has many job offerings especially SEO types like link building, manual web directories, social bookmarks, and one way permanent backlinks. Also included are blog, directory and press release submissions and some writings too.I don’t know how to pass the test because I want to be a verified member here on ODesk, and there’s no way I could fail again. I know that there are many SEO jobs there which I don’t know, but they’re on a bidding basis. It's one of my weaknesses until someone will help me on passing the tough tests on ODesk and to continue my journey on SEO opportunities

Cheap rates on writing articles

In DigitalPoint, there are so many people who are looking for someone to write articles for them and they charge a maximum of $1 per 100 words. But what about the effect if you want your rate to become cheaper, let’s say $0.50 to $0.90 per 100 words? That’s already considered a bulk discount price. If you do that on a limited basis, there’s no problem but for long terms, it will not work and you should better stick to a solid $1 per 100 words. I have one client who pays me a very low price of $2 per 500 words on a long term basis and it’s not a good effort after all, especially when you write about SEO articles. If I want my client to write me about health, travel, SEO and tech articles, I shall charge $0.80 to $1 per 100 words. You must always smart if you deal this one.

Clickbank’s SEO way

Guys have you been familiar about Clickbank? It is a pay-per-sale site which sells digital products like e-books, softwares, etc. They are one of the largest pay-per-sale companies ever. You will automatically have commission up to 75% of the product’s original price and they pay you twice monthly. How can we generate sales in our Clickbank? If we are just doing the right way of SEO our website or blog, especially the niche and category are important as well, and to always update and maintain our site or blog’s traffic through SEO services, we could generate many sales as we want. So far so good, many people are already successful in Clickbank due to SEO they have done for their site. Clickbank’s ads are one of the attractions which visitors may click the ad on your site and purchase a product, and it’s their unique way of SEO.

Wordpress health blogging job still catches on

In DigitalPoint’s latest job openings, I saw a thread which he offers a long term job for those who will apply in him. He is expecting health related blog posts to his WordPress, and he has some keywords to provide on. Now that’s another SEO project to work on. He planned to pay us a high rate of $0.70 per 150 to 200 word posts and he wants to generate at least 10-20 blog posts on a daily basis. He wants to improve his SEO tactics and also his website’s traffic. If I can compute about this job like this:

10 blog posts a day x 30 days = $0.7 x 10 = $7 x 30 days = $210/month

20 blog posts a day x 30 days = $0.7 x 20 = $14 x 30 days = $420/month

I don’t know if this job in DigitalPoint is still open, but I’ve got to try it together with my SEO and other blogging jobs, my daily, weekly and monthly income are stable.

Time for a celebration of SEO success!

Later, I invite two of my teammates to eat with me at Shakey’s Restaurant at a big mall in our city. Why? It’s because I am very lucky and it’s the first time I receive more than $300 in a week, courtesy of my two best clients who paid me $200 and $100 each, and other clients who paid me less than that kind of amount. I am so excited that I will treat my two teammates with a big pizza, and I would let them enjoy what it has to be. Due to my success, it’s such an honor that I will treat my two pals. Unfortunately for my other teammate, she’s not lucky because she has a husband and she has no time to go out with us due to some of her family business. I can’t wait for tomorrow, because I thank myself for being successful in SEO jobs. I also thanked God for giving me courage and spirit to take this job and to become successful both for me, my family, my teammates and friends too.

My SEO team is doing well today

After I already formed a team of seven people including me, I have never been mistaken in choosing them because according to their resume, they’re highly qualified. I have a total of 20 applicants who applied to me as one of my SEO partners, but only six of them are eligible. I am doing this because I want to speed things up for my huge SEO projects. Two of my teammates are rendering web directory submissions, which are very easy and reliable, but jobs are not stable. My other teammates are relying on niche marketing on articles and blogs, especially forum postings with backlinks. It’s still an SEO job like no other and it’s legitimate. I am so happy for them, and all of them are paid already. I hope this would be a long term relationship with them. Woohoo!

Conducting a SEO program in school

If I have a chance to share something about SEO in school with my teachers and fellow students, there is no problem in conducting my own program which is SEO. I could hold it at our auditorium, audio-visual room, and library or even in the classroom with HP projector. I can also do that high-tech by just creating a Powerpoint presentation in the Information Technology department. We’ll anybody could do that, but if you want to make it simple by just sharing to your students and teachers secretly, you can do a one-on-one presentation regarding SEO, using just a pen and paper. For sure, if you are reading about this, you can do it easily for yourself.

I’m still on at StyleHive

After my Kaboodle project has finished and was paid by my client for about $50, it’s time for me to move in another great product shopping bookmark called StyleHive. Still, I have to submit the same products the way I submitted at Kaboodle, and it cost me for just less than 72 hours to finish the 500 submissions. The process in Kaboodle and StyleHive are the same, as they only require a product URL, leading to the main URL of the product you have included on your list. I will also include tags and descriptions but only optional. Anyway, shopping bookmarks were really attractive at all, and soon I’m gonna promote our store’s products at Kaboodle and StyleHive. It’s another SEO project and it’s quite easy and fun.

Making a SEO video on Windows Movie Maker

What would it be if you have a plan to turn SEO into something extraordinary? Is it a good promotion for your SEO services? We’ll probably yes, if that’s the case. Making a SEO video for yourself is one of the basic things you could ever imagine and you can convert it from WMA file to AVI file which is compatible to Youtube and other social media sites. If you want to convert your SEO video to your iPod, then convert from WMA to MP4 file. Another good thing for promoting your SEO video is to burn them into your CD through Nero. Sounds good huh?

SEO videos will definitely help viewers a lot about their interests, only if the content was good enough and make them understand what you mean, not for just trash ones. If you want to do it, then you must know about what you’re talking about, especially SEO.

Two wireless providers could be a solution…..

There were some two huge companies which both handle services in cellphone networking and internet connections and they were known to be Smart Communications and Globe Telecommunications. These are the biggest rivals when it comes to cellphones and internet speed and other types of services. This is a great alternative if I have disconnections in my computer in an emergency situation, especially my huge project about SEO.

Smart’s wireless internet flash drive called Smart Bro has a speed of 2 Mbps and it cost less than $20, but on the other hand, Globe’s wireless internet flash drive called Globe Tattoo only cost $2 less than Smart’s. But I am depending on their speed and accuracy, and also their hourly rate when I buy a prepaid card. This is where I can buy any of those just to have backups in my SEO project if I experienced disconnections only.

Disconnections do hate me a lot!

I was so frustrated when I do some SEO work which has deadlines, our router and service provider are not good enough for me, and sometimes around evening, we have notice that due to some breakdown with the server. I have a huge project going on here and this disconnection makes me sick and it may affect my client’s patience and expectancy. However, I have a feeling that there should be another way, but how?

Proxies should not work too because the router’s IP still in control. As I’m really concern about my job, I won’t let my clients down. This is a huge project and I have to be serious about it even I have a thesis project going on which my graduation chances are on the line if I didn’t study my thesis well. My clients are patient, but I’m not going to let down both my SEO projects and my thesis project.

Apsense still pays lots of members!

What do I know? I have not been mistaken about joining Apsense. You know why? It is a cool social networking community like no other. It is somehow been online for more than two years and it's still going strong. Good thing is, when I found comments from other members in MyLot, there were too many positive comments about Apsense. I like their script and template because it makes all of us very attractive and for now it's a very useful social networking both fun and business, and most importantly, we can do SEO there. Apsense established to create your own business center which you can promote your business on your ow together with the backlinks attached, and you may find friends, join groups, create articles or blogs and so much more. Apsense definitely heats up and still pays members once every month through Paypal!

Lots of distractions while doing SEO working

Are you feeling distracted by something if you do SEO jobs? Or is there any conflict involved there while you are working on it. It's a big surprise like no other if you are still distracted by something that bothers you when you're doing SEO work. But how can you eliminate that distraction? Here are my own tips:

1. Close your useless applications and focus on the work.
2. Turning on the music may feel you energized while working on SEO projects.
3. There is always a break, so you must not go straight time instead you can rest for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour in the morning, afternoon and evening.
4. Positive-minded
5. Bring along foods and drinks with you while you're working.

I think these might help you. Cheers!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Yahoo answers are really helpful to SEO?

Just as I suspected, one client of mine wants me to do SEO on Yahoo Answers about the topics on six pack abs and at loss. He will pay me $0.10 for each posts for a total of 250 posts worth $25. Since his iTrader is zero on DigitalPoint, and his posts were only about more than 50+, I said that he must make an advanced payment to me. Why? Because those who are newbies with zero iTraders must prove to themselves worthy of their service by implementing review copies on the selected high iTrader clients only.

But o the other hand, Yahoo Answers are very helpful indeed for some reason. We must be careful not to spam anything with our source link provided, just like I have learned from my other account which was temporarily suspended for spamming ad just copy pasting with source links. It is helpful, but we should be careful.

Free SEO e-books?

I wonder if there are any SEO e-books existed for a free price? I feel something that there is an SEO e-book I should purchase, at least with PLR (private label rights) or MRR (master resale rights). It is really worth for a buyer to see any reviews from the e-books purchased by the other buyers and to see their good comments about the SEO e-book you wanna purchase. I also have a SEO related e-book, but I purchased it on someone from DigitalPoint with bulk discount which is only $1.00 offer as Private Label Rights.

When you buy a SEO e-book, please don't throw it away because it is worthless if you just purchased an e-book with Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights and to resell it in a higher price for profit. SEO e-books are not worthy if you just resell it without reading it, and the author's effort is just a trash.

SEO jobs changed my life

Because of SEO jobs I have found in different forums like DigitalPoint, WickedFire, NamePros, V7N, NetBuilders, GetAFreelancer and other freelance sites that are always updated, not outdated, it changed my life. Since I started doing this a few months ago, it all started from small up to the top, and I can't believe that I actually work by myself right at my own room with internet connection. Without these huge jobs, I could have not been successful. Once again because of SEO jobs, I can buy anything I want both for myself and my family.

I also enjoy treating my best friend to some restaurants weekly and in return he also treated me for his separate jobs like his favorite forum posting and link building as well. For me, I love every job I involved and I shall continue it till the end. SEO will soon changed everything in its way.

I got paid in my shopping bookmarks task

Hello guys! In my previous post about "I hate delayed payments", I was expecting that my client will pay me within 2-3 days upon completion of my project, and he sent me an e-mail to request payment with him for $50 worth of 500 products submitted to Kaboodle. After minutes of request, I got my $50 on my Paypal account for my services rendered in submitting his 500+ products to Kaboodle.

Right now we already have exchanged iTraders, and we're happy about each other. He expected that I should finish this in 7 days or less, but for a surprise....I finished it for just less than 3 days! Woohoo! I have never been so happy about it and now I have money again in my Paypal. I wish it would be repeated again, because this SEO project was indeed very easy.

My SEO works are still on!

Right now it's game on! I have to continue my SEO work from different clients as usual. I already have two large packages which one client paid me full $200 for 100 Press Release submissions + 1 Press Release writing, 300 article and blog directory submissions + 1 article and blog posting. On the other hand, the other one is just simple, he paid me $100 upfront for 1,000 backlinks to forums, 1,000 web directories and 100 social bookmarks, and another $100 for completion.

It's a big challenge for me like no other and I'm going to keep this job all along, since I'm only a student and we're ready for tomorrow's pre-oral defense about our resort. It's really tough but we have studied already about the resort. It makes no conflicts on my SEO job, especially taking up Management Information System. We'll, the game is still on, as SEO still on it's feet!

Hourly rates for SEO work

In Digitalpoint, I have found a thread in DigitalPoint which he's looking for SEO consultant. This is one unique job like no other which is not referred to link building, but this is some kind of a step-by-step job. This is something I never done before in my entire life, and it's quite interesting to me. I've been talking to my teammates about this and we are learning from it, however he will contact us soon enough as he's still busy as of this moment.

I can't believe what the rate is, because it's much higher than any SEO project in the entire strategy for now. He pays me $10 per hour for just teaching him step by step about getting traffic from a list of KW's which I don't know, and it's part of the SEO plan. I'm looking forward to this job and for sure it would change everything.

I hate delayed payments!

I have been waiting for so long to get paid on my shopping bookmark task, which is another SEO strategy similar to social bookmarks. I hope I will be paid by him in the end for $50 for 500 products submitted to Kaboodle, and if not, my SEO work will be useless for now and I must not give up hope. I would allow the buyer to pay me within 1-2 days of my SEO work and I want to tell him that time is everything and every time must be worth, not worthless.

I have already cheked his iTrader on DigitalPoint and he has a total of nine good feedbacks and not a single bad one, saying that he is a good and trusted buyer, so I do have faith in him. SEO is everything to me, and I need money for the SEO services so that I always be confident on my services I rendered.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Confirmation links on web directories

I noticed that there are e-mails being sent to me every time I have submitted a link to a directory. In my Gmail, I already have hundreds of notifications but there are some links that needed to be confirmed, and I must click the activation link in their e-mail. It really depends on the site if they implement an auto-aproved, moderation or confirmation link to verify if you are the real submitter of your site.

It may say that they are too sensitive when it comes to spammers and abusive types of websites like adult, gambling, steroids and other kinds of it, and it's really inappropriate if you just trying to submit the site that is not very appropriate and illgela, so that's why they need confirmation links just to protect themselves from spamming.

Starting a product submission service

Yesterday, since I'm really attracted to my client's Kaboodle product submission service, I decide to create a service on my own. I have posted a thread on DigitalPoint about product submission service and here's the link below:


It's another SEO service like no other like social bookmarks, but this time, it's a different world like no other and it's shopping bookmark. I am very serious when it comes to business transactions and job offers. Currently I have one pending client who ordered 100 products to be submitted, and I'm still waiting for his payment.


I'm finally done in my Kaboodle task!

I have received a task from a client in DigitalPoint that I must submit 500 products to Kaboodle alone, and it's quite exhausting but an easy task. Why is it exhausting? It's quite easy but there are too many of them. I have to copy each product URL to my Kaboodle item list. So far I have three lists in my Kaboodle account and all of them combined for 502 links.
I hope my client pays me because when I look at his iTrader, it's a perfect 9-0. Which means nine good feedbacks and no bad feedback. I have trust in him and I hope I'll have future projects with him in the near future. I'm still waiting for his $50 payment for such effort that I promise to finish within a week. I have finished it in less than three days. Wow!
Stay tuned!

Giving a good SEO and SEM education

If you're a graduate of Information Technology course, what would you suggest to your beloved university? We'll for me, I want to implement a course subject called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). I really don't know where I could find such SEO books there, but only e-books I have in my database, which are free to download.

I want to buy a real book related to SEO and SEM, so that when the time comes if this subject is for real, I could be a part-time instructor there in the university I will soon graduate this October. If Management Information System has a topic about SEO, no problem but I think it only ends up on basic and advanced HTML. I will wait for that day.

Implementing a study about SEO

Are you interested about studying SEO? We'll for me, it's a yes. What happens if I want to conduct a basic research study about SEO, it could be obvious for us and it's imposible. If you are taking up Information Technology course, is it possible that one of the professors in the IT department are gonna discuss to us about SEO? It is an interesting subject you know, unless you can organize it to make it as one of your subjects in a semester.
In basic study relations, if you're going to put up a SEO company, can you follow the exact format of your plan? We'll I think it is difficult and challenging, but more interesting for the students as well. If we are using SEO on educational purposes, SEO will grow more in the near future.

Monday, 14 September 2009

What's so special about shopping bookmarks?

As many people were attracted through social bookmarks, why is it so special anyway? What is the specialty of a shopping bookmark compare to social bookmarks? Is it a good chance for SEO purposes to promote your products? Or can you make good friends with other shoppers all around the world of shopping bookmarks? We'll thr truth is, all of them could be the reason. It's difference is to form a community of shoppers who wants to buy and sell their own products.

But what about the other sites that lets shoppers unite in one place? Places like eBay and Amazon are for bidding who will be the winner of that item base on the price they want. Shopping forums may also be a good source when they want to buy and sell their own products, especially shopping blogs. They can do SEO there if they want. But through shopping bookmarks, one place not you could share and express what the products you want to buy and sell, but also SEO is a part of it.

A great social bookmarking offer like no other

I think about two days ago, I saw an ad on DigitalPoint that he will pay $0.10 for every shopping item submitted both Kaboodle and StyleHive. So I sent him a personal message about this job, and I am interested on it and he hired me. Right now I’m focusing on Kaboodle, and in just one day I completed 249 submisssions and only 251 to go before I get paid $0.10 x 500 submissions = $50.00. Then I can go to StyleHive which also pays me the same rate after my Kaboodle work is done, and again the same $50.00, for a total of $100.00.

I did suggest to him that not only Kaboodle and StyleHub were the shopping bookmarks existed today, but there are so many of them. I asked my client if I want to do more in other social and shopping bookmarks, he’s very interested to pay the same rate. So meaning every bookmark which I submit 500 links = $50.00. That’s big bucks for me, and doing the SEO way! It’s a big offer for me like no other!

Apsense is an attractive social networking

Have you heard about Apsense? It is a social networking community not only lets you enjoy making friends there online through joining groups, posting blogs and classified ads, participating on any events, create your own business store, but also you make money there. But how can you possibly make money there in Apsense? And speaking of profiles, business store, blogs and classified ads, you can do SEO there by placing your links or banners direct to your website as a backlink.

You will earn money through blog viewing, which I forgot about the rate and it pays per impression, which means you are only paid every time your blog is viewed 1,000 times. If you have more attractive blogs, the more chances you can generate traffic and visitors as well, and then you earn money. Minimum payout is $50 through Paypal, and many got paid already, only once a month. This is another place for SEO strategy.

Shopping bookmarks are really attractive after all

In a challenging but easy task on submitting products to shopping bookmarks, you can be easily attracted because of the shopping items you ever seen, and not only that, it also acts as a social networking or community company like MySpace, Friendster, Facebook and Twitter. I’m currently submitting different salon products I was paid for to Kaboodle and StyleHub, and soon to other shopping social bookmarks, which are many of them existed.

Their script and template are very attractive, together with their menus and features. It’s so easy to submit a link to Kaboodle and StyleHub, and if I am obliged to do 500 links submitted, I would have done that in a day or two. Since I have a busy schedule, at least three days will do. Anyway, shopping bookmarks like Kaboodle and StyleHub makes me attracted after all.

Creating your own shopping bookmark?

Is it possible that we can create our own shopping bookmark? I think so, but how? We might learn from the experts about it? Or can we just learn it from ourselves? But for me, yes! Anyone can start their own shopping bookmark site! Shopping bookmarks functions like eBay and Amazon, which allows you to sell and auction items in a free way. But there's a catch! There's no such bidding here, because you only submitting the complimentary one which redirects the visitor to the original site.

This is another way of doing SEO and it's considered a social bookmark too. All we have to do is learn how to do it from the very beginning, together with Adsense, Clickbank and other revenue sharing sites, shopping bookmarks are more marketable and more viewable by most users, especially when you do the SEO thing!

Managing more social bookmarks than one

I have browsed all over the internet to search some of the huge list of do-follow social bookmarks and I found a database site which I'm yet to mentioned about that, which has over 200+ do-follow social bookmarks existed, even MySpace, Facebook and Twitter were included on the top results. I saw some sites which they also have more than one social bookmarks being handled, but I don't like to mention their name.

Why is it that they won't stick to just one social bookmark? Ah I get it! Notice that all of them uses revenueads like Google Adsense, Clickbank, Chitika, Bidvertiser and other clickable ads, every time I visit pages of their stories together with the links, a revenue ad appeared between or within the post. It is part of another SEO strategy which they have to strengthen their revenue income which two or more social bookmarks are worth to be one of your own, but could be difficult in maintaining them.

Teaching SEO to others could be hard

If someone is interested about SEO, do you have the guts to teach them one by one? Or you would rather let them research what SEO is all about? As for me, I think both options are quite necessary enough. Let's take a look on how we compare teaching SEO manually and learning SEO online.

In manual mode, when you want one on one, you have to know what SEO is all about, and the ways of doing it. You haqve to be expert in doing that, and you will be getting paid for coaching them about SEO, but it's quite hard to teach them manually but good enough. On the other hand, if they self study on what SEO is all about, there's nothing to be paid but some terms which are not understood to you might confuse you a lot and you need a lot of research about the terms.

It is how the nature of teaching SEO manually and learning SEO online.

iTrader being trusted?

Have you been so familiar about the so-called iTrader? In DigitalPoint forums, they have enabled iTrader and what could that mean? It means the number of good and bad feedbacks are being recorded. If you have a positive feedback from your client, then your iTrader will be added +1, but if it's negative, your iTrader will be deducted. Why is it even you have a lot of good feedbacks rather than negatove ones, or even no negatives, why would still sensitive to them?

They are considered strangers you know, because you deal with the person whom you don't know. As for me, even I have 32 good and only one bad, my client still won't trust me to pay in full, instead he pay me half upfront, and another half when I'm done with the report and submit to him successfully. That's life you know, it depends on the attitude and sensitivity of the person, whenever the work is related to SEO, content, designing and other freelance related jobs.

GPTBoycott banned my account!

I don't know what the hell did they ban my account? They suspected that my IP address was the same as other people who are involved about this, and that's why I get banned. I don't know if this forum is do-follow or not. But the thing is, we always follow the rules and as so far I know, I really ignored them. I'm just doing SEO there on GPTBoycott because I wanna increase my backlinks and my others' backlinks which they paid me for doing that.

The rule as a beginner is not to make your own signature until you have 10 legitimate posts, and I ignored them about it and just keep posting with backlinks which I assume that below my text is a signature before the underline word. The easily detect that because they're smart when someone wants to do SEO here in GPTBoycott. In the end, they banned my account and would never lift it again.

I'm firing up on SEO!

Looks like this is gonna be a challenging day for me starting today, both in SEO and in school. Why? Because starting today, I already have 3 huge projects to work on for SEO and one in school. What are my big three SEO projects anyway?

1. Client 1 = 100 Press Release Submissions + 300 Article/Blog Directory Submissions + 3 Contents for each SEO category.
2. Client 2 = 1,000 Forum Signature Backlinks + 1,000 Web Directories + 100 Social Bookmarks
3. Client 3 = Submitting 500+ products to StyleHive and Kaboodle

On the other hand in my school, we will have our pre-oral defense this week about our business plan study about our resort. Can I handle this and survive? We'll find out soon enough!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Shortcuts on DigitalPoint are very amusing

I can see why most thread starters are using shortcuts when they want to buy, sell and trade their services before their title of the thread. This is a thing which is very unique and innovative as well as DigitalPoint forums is now popular worldwide for webmasters, SEO and freelancers only. So how could we define like these:

1. [WTB] - it means a client wants to buy services from sellers depends on the job he wants them to do.
2. [WTS] - it means a client wants to sell services to buyers depends on the job they offer him to do.
3. [WTT] - it means a client wants to trade his services for another client's services depends on the job they both want to do.
4. [WTH] - it means a client wants to hire someone to do jobs for him.

This is also applied in any SEO, webmaster and freelance related forums like V7N, Netbuilders, WarriorForum, NamePros and WickedFire.

Do-follow researching job?

I saw a thread in Digitalpoint today that a guy wants a researcher on do-follow forums on different niches, and it's a long term job. So how can we determine if the site is do-follow or not. Simple. If you are running Mozilla Firefox, you can just download the Do-Follow add-on and it simply detects the links whether they're do-follow or not. Blue highlighted links represents do-follow, but red highlighted links represents no-follow at all. If I were to apply with this guy, since he doesn't state on how much charge do I want for him, it's very hard to find do-follow forums than no-follow.

I can charge him around $0.30 to $0.40 per forum researched, but I'm not yet sure of his budget. I deserve this kind of amount because its an effort that you put hard onto it. So I hope I know what I'm doing. Still part of his SEO strategy to build more backlinks in different forum niches.

Submitting sites to Kaboodle and StyleHive

I have given a task by my client Andrew to submit more than 500+ sites to Kaboodle and StyleHive worth $0.10 each. So if I submit 500 sites to Kaboodle and another 500 to StyleHive, it's a total of $100! Wow, so I took the job a day ago. I thought it was very difficult since I took time on how to add a site. First, I use Kaboodle to submit 500+ sites which my client gave me the list of items or URL to the items he sell. Then, I create my own list and see the "add new item" and it's simple, I just copy or type the URL and it automatically detects all the details and all I need is to put tags and comments which is optional.

Very easy job for me. Another SEO related job because this is a social bookmarking service. he wants to promote every item URL in one site so that many will be attracted, and it's all salon and parlor products. Piece of cake. Woohoo!

Bringing life to forums - Part 5

Now here comes the final episode of this topic, and after we applied what we have done, it's time to do the SEO way. That's right! It will build more backlinks to other sites. So how can we do SEO in your forum? There are lots of ways to do that, and here are the following:

1. Forum signature backlink, profile or avatar.
2. Web directories
3. Blog/Article/Press Release directories (you need to write a content for them)
4. Social bookmarks/media/networking
5. One-way permanent backlink to other high PR sites
6. Angela and Paul's backlink method
7. Deep link directories
8. RSS feed directories
9. Classified ads
10. Etc.

So now you know how to bring your forum to life, and you always keep doing that. Apply it for yourself!

Bringing life to forums - Part 4

So let's get back to our show shall we? Content is one way to lift up the image of your forum, and one thing for sure.....about the payments shall we? Let's say you want to pay them by Paypal for 10 posts each and they will receive only $1.00? Too bad for their hard effort just to make $1.00? If we go back to the first or second part of this episode, if that candidate wishes to go all alone and not hiring others anymore, he will take care of ther 100 posts and make about $10? Not bad actually. It's still a great SEO strategy, as you instruct him about the do's and dont's.

Another thing which reflects the image of the forum is the template and script. If you use phBB or vBulletin, no problem at all and the template you wanna use to be unique and hard to find as you need to pay them to match the uniqueness of your forum. It depends on the niche of your forum, and the template and pictures should be related. The structure and topics should also be observed in proper order.

Stay tuned for the last part of this exciting topic!

Bringing life to forums - Part 3

In the first two parts of this topic, we know how the rates are going and to build more members in the forum. We'll now, since this is the continuation, we now go to how well did your applicants posted in your forum. You can act as a juror or a judge because of what they posted, it may affect your SEO strategies. But how? It looks like as an owner of the forum, your posts from your members are in good quality and shape, or in short is a good content. What can we rely on to them?

1. Posts must not be spammy.
2. No copy pasting other's content in any forum, website or blog.
3. No such grammatical errors and punctuations, as English is the primary language.
4. Signatures must not be related to adult, gambling, steroids or illegal type
5. Members should not post anything out of the topic or not being relevant, or in a section which the topic is not appropriate.

Part four is coming right up guys! Stay tuned!

Bringing life to forums - Part 2

Going back to the previous topic in making your forum so alive and so destined, building more members needs to be achieved. What can we do in order to let them motivated? For example, if you have a budget of $100 to your clients, what would you do? And what kind of payment plan are you up to, since your SEO plan could be much worth? We'll let's see about this situation:

1. If you want the post to become $0.10, then you can only hire 8-9 applicants, for a total of $90 paid. But what about the $10? You can use and save it for future use of your forum.
2. If you want the post to become $0.05 to $0.08, then you can only hire about 15-17 clients, and the rest of your budget will be kept for future use of your forum.

We're not done yet, because we are still on the 2nd part, and 3rd part is coming right at you!

Bringing life to forums - Part One

Imagine if you want to start a forum by yourself, it's so easy to setup only you have some good knowledge and analyzation. When you want your forum to become alive, you have to prepare yourself. It's time to do your SEO thing! First of all, you need to build up members right? All you need to do is to have a little budget for yourself which you invested yourself in your forum like web hosting and domain charges and the templates and scripts you have bought. One way to do it is to find freelance jobs so that you can maintain your forum, or if you have a regular job, no problem.

Mostly, the applicants wants a rate of $0.10 per post, and others have a bulk price of $0.05 to $0.08 per post because of little budget. If we compare the bulk and the higher rates, you might be stunned of the advantage and disadvantage of the two types of prices.

Stay tuned!