Thursday, 24 September 2009

Time to give up on SEO?

If you feel that you have no more chance that your site will go up and backlinks are slowly decreasing, would you give up? For all of your hard effort in doing SEO for your own site, and see no good results, quitting is a good option? For me, quitters are losers and they will be called as "dumb" classed people. They will lose everything if they just quit and giving up on doing SEO for their own site. The people may think that giving up your site and popularity will lead them to bad feedbacks regarding on quitting your job on SEO. As for me, I always fight till the end. If my site really makes money through Google Adsense and starting to lose the number of unique visitors daily, we will still continue on and on forever.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. In my opinion, I am happy with my task in SEO sites. Some of my client has negative feedbacks about my task but some satisfied about my projects or tasks. I love doing link building and doing SEO posting. I am nothing of losing or surrender. You should really enjoy, positive in mind and have writing interests.
