Friday, 4 September 2009

E-Books about "BlackHat SEO"

Is it worth to buy some e-books that talks about "BlackHat"? As we all know what blackhat means? It is something that we wear on our head? We'll it's very unique for us because....."BlackHat" means illegal or unfriendly way. Especially when it comes to SEO, they have some "BlackHat" techniques that will increase your revenue in Google Adsense and sales in Clickbank. But that kind of strategy is an unfriendly way.

All we ever look for is the SEO-friendly strategy or what we call, "Whitehat". It's simple you know? Blackhat uses automated softwares for your site or content, while Whitehat uses only in our manual and own way. For me, I'm not going to buy SEO Blackhat method, because there's a chance that I might get banned in Google.

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