Friday, 11 September 2009

TImeframe on SEO services

Time is ticking with SEO services. When you have a serious client who are based in speed and timeframe, while other clients rely on accuracy and patience. But for me, it's both because if you handle more jobs, then you must have something what's left...and you don't have to lose it. How?

1. Stay focus on the job. Don't open other applications while you're focused.
2. Always manage your time and focus in doing SEO.
3. Don't work 2 clients at the same hour. You can set your other client's time shcedule, as applied on Number 2.
4. If you have free time doing nothing, don't waste it, as your client's waiting for the results.
5. And finally, always follow proper instructions and details of your deal with the client.

I hope that helps you a lot and to finish your works accurately.

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