Sunday, 13 September 2009

Web owners are very smart

If you're trying to contact the website owner that you want to purchase a space which includes your link that is permanent one-way backlink for your SEO thing, you have to be sure that you're smart enough to make a deal with the web owner of that blog or website. If you are selling your links to them, they are smart enough to check the status of your website and if its legitimate, then they can add you to their list.

It's a big thing in which you may know, most webmasters don't like slackers who deals like a garbage or crap offer like low payments which they have high PR, and if you want to gain their trust, you must offer them cash upfront payment. Don't pay them full yet, once they include your link to their site, you can pay the rest of what you're lacking. You have to let the webmaster that your backlink will last a lifetime until it expires, as part of your SEO strategy.

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