Thursday, 12 November 2009

I'm still waiting for Zac Johnson's e-book

In my previous post about John Chow and Zac Johnson, I have subscribed to both of them but I only got accessed to John Chow's download link. And guess what, I'm truly amazed of John Chow's free e-book as I'm learning it. But here's the problem, I subscribed to Zac Johnson's site and confirmed his subscription that will lead me to the download page of his free e-book, but still I have not yet received his download link and I'm frustrated. Anyway, I want to learn both of their secrets and there's nothing to waste of reading their e-books, only if I received Zac Johnson's download link. I should have promoted their e-book by means of web optimising on different occassions, and to help those in need to be successful like both John and Zac.

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