Monday, 9 November 2009

Putting SEO pop quizzes in your website

One way to attract more customers to our website is to apply a SEO pop quiz menu in our program. In this way, people likely to answer some questions regarding SEO and it will let them feel good to continue answering questions over and over again. This will help them develop and to learn the correct answers along with explanations. Some quiz sites are very attractive to most people around the world, and they keep on inviting them. We can include questions about search optimizing or web optimizing techniques to make their mind develop about SEO. This is a great strategy to gain more traffic and targeted customers out there, just to have some fun answering questions, and it will also gain potential to check out your whole website and the affiliate links and products posted there for potential sales, leads and revenue. It only starts by creating a SEO quiz section within your website.

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