Friday, 2 October 2009

Does Twitter e-books really work?

I have downloaded 5 e-books related to twitter a few months ago, and since Twitter does not guarantee me to earn money like this, it’s useless now. But for the other ones, who are addicted to Twitter, may have a possible chance that in this module, it may gain those thousands of followers daily and to earn huge income? What kind of strategy are they implementing to? For me, I think they’re relying on their profile page, because since they attached their homepage link in their profile, visitors and followers may click on the homepage URL of their profile and to check out on what’s inside of the site they have advertised. It is one way of doing SEO on our own, as these crazy Twitter users are buying e-books which modules are simply working for them, and I really do know that this purpose is for real, and it may have the potential of getting a huge amount of visitors back to my site.

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