Wednesday 16 September 2009

Hourly rates for SEO work

In Digitalpoint, I have found a thread in DigitalPoint which he's looking for SEO consultant. This is one unique job like no other which is not referred to link building, but this is some kind of a step-by-step job. This is something I never done before in my entire life, and it's quite interesting to me. I've been talking to my teammates about this and we are learning from it, however he will contact us soon enough as he's still busy as of this moment.

I can't believe what the rate is, because it's much higher than any SEO project in the entire strategy for now. He pays me $10 per hour for just teaching him step by step about getting traffic from a list of KW's which I don't know, and it's part of the SEO plan. I'm looking forward to this job and for sure it would change everything.

1 comment:

  1. Congratsulations, I am really proud of you that you have been paid with that trusted client. You are making $10 per hour is another worth for SEO job. So, you have another new discovery other than link building. Most of our clients like to have link building task. We should keep continue looking for SEO projects until we have permanent or stable.
